Hello friends and new subscribers! Today is my last full day in Los Angeles, wrapping up a five week long stay. I have experienced the full gamut of emotions while here, from lost and lethargic to hopeful and inspired.
Being surrounded by nature and taking a timeout from the usual hubbub of NYC has helped me realize how much I value practices that anchor my spirituality. Lately this has meant a daily yoga practice and reorienting my art practice to observe, play, and heal, rather than to earn or strive. Here I realized how much I was craving to be healed. How much the pursuit of a specific career identity (an illustrator! a writer! a full time artist!) was masking the multitudes of self lying underneath. How much my chasing of goals and checklists and habits was distracting me rather than freeing me.
I am so grateful for my time in LA. Below are photo snippets, fond memories, and many drawings made while I have been here. Normally I would wait to get home and scan my sketchbook but I want to share more often in my newsletter and feel less perfectionistic about it. Thank you for bearing with my iPhone snaps!