Your newsletters so often feel like a reassuring hug. Thank you Carolyn! I have a lot of trouble with slowing down and listening to my needs before others, so I really appreciate your recommendations!

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That means so much to me Christina! 🤗 So grateful to be able to be of support to you!

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Great essay! But, yes I’m starting out with a bang…but partly cause I know a tsunami of work is coming so I will be soon entering a fallow time creatively. So I’m trying to make hay while I can. We’ll see if this “plan” backfires!

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Totally valid! What are some things you wanna make hay of?

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For now, just keep up the morning routine that currently includes both sketches of my hands and calligraphy practice. I suspect once I'm dragged back into the office, I'll at most have time for one or the other...or maybe neither if I focus on exercise. I got some other bigger projects in mind, but even I realize I really can't get any of that going till after my big work push in early summer.

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Love the focus on the everyday routine and your awareness of how work schedules affect your creative aspirations! Wishing you lots of luck and presence throughout :)

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"Decolonizing time" is an interesting phrase. I've been thinking about it since I read it here days ago and wanted to come back to tell you...I'm still thinking about that phrase.

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It's a powerful one (and one that I definitely cannot take credit for!) Not only when it comes to work and leisure but also our conception of seasons, rituals, etc...

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Love love love this perspective. I use any chance I can get to set intentions and refresh and all the things but like to use the new year to realign, recalibrate and ease into new intentions for the year. I sorta see Winter as a season of rehearsing before the year really starts. I get everything organized, cleaned up, and ready to go so when Spring rolls around I am ready to go!

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Oooooh I really love how you frame winter as a rehearsal! That sits really well with me 🌟 Ease is essential, and I'm curious if being more relaxed in the winter will help me feel less burnt out in the summer when seasonal energy is at its peak!

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SAME! I've avoided winter for the past few years (Hawaii, Mexico, etc.) and I find myself getting so burnt out by the time summer comes. I'm so curious to see how I'll feel this year finally having a proper winter.

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I agree this is the Winter of '24. Love the artwork/drawing!

Though I attempt mightily not to overextend, I get drawn into overextending by others; my wife, and her family, who celebrate the holidays the same every year, OVERDOING Things; my sons who think they are still 4 and 7 instead of 27 and 30. I swear every year that next year will be different, with more family get-together's in restaurants instead of running ragged preparing banquets at our homes. I want camaraderie and fellowship.

I'm an iconoclast who speaks truth (or my perception of the truth) about things like vacations with kids, or even vacations in general, that require much too much work and really aren't fun, when you do an assessment. Naturally I am shunned. Yeah, you have photos/videos but those often lie. Holidays running ragged are in that category

...same with taking kids to Disney-world, Disneyland or any amusement park before they are old enough to go with their friends and have much more fun!

We drive ourselves crazy trying to emulate ads on TV and the movies. Less is more...we end up chasing our tails trying to impress persons...just have fun in simple ways

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Thanks JRB! Less is more ✨ and I cannot imagine doing the stroller dance at the Disney parks as many parents seem to! Much better when you're older indeed

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Jan 4, 2024
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Circadian and lunar calendar winners!! HNY Kimia 🤍

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